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144 Kids |Covid | 144 Kinders

144 Kids |Covid | 144 Kinders

The Durbanville Children’s Home needs help. Melanie Stipp works there. She grew up there. Now she is a mother of her own boys; she reflects from the outside, with an insider’s knowledge. PLEASE help. Full English report below.


Die Durbanville Kinderhuis het hulp nodig. Melanie Stipp werk daar. Sy het daar grootgeword. Nou is sy ‘n ma van haar eie kinders en skryf van buite, met al die binnekennis. Help ons ASSEBLIEF.


As ek nou een sinnetjie moet kies wat ek die laaste tyd die meeste gehoor het, is dit beslis: “Mamma, ek is honger!”

Dit voel kompleet of ek honger leeuwelpies moet voed; DRIE van hulle! (8 mnde, 8jr, 11jr). Almal seuns! (So ek dink die geslag dra by tot die feit dat hierdie bekkies die heeltyd iets te ete soek.)

Daar is dae wat ek probeer om strategies te beplan aan die dag se maaltye, sodat die snack-tye minder is. Maar nee wat, selfs nie eers die massiewe bak Oats vir ontbyt is genoeg om daai magies vol te hou tot middagete nie. Die koskas en yskas se deur gaan gedurig oop en dan word al wat moontlik kan dien as ‘n snack aangedra na my toe om toestemming te sê-vra of dit geëet kan word. 

Gisteraand het ek egter besef hoe bevoorreg ons is. Ons koskas en yskas lyk dalk nie soos diè van ‘n kettingwinkel nie, maar my kinders is in ‘n bevoorregte posisie om te peusel aan goedjies tussen-in maaltye. Daar is darem snacks. En al raas ek so af en toe met hulle en dryf hulle my soms teen die mure uit, is hulle tog gelukkig. Hulle is by ‘n plek wat hulle die voorreg het om hulle huis te kan noem met ‘n Pappa en Mamma wat hulle liefhet. My hart is eintlik propvol en loop oor van dankbaarheid.

Ek dink aan die Kinderhuis-kinders wat nie in daardie posisie is nie. 

Die minderheid wat soms wel mag huistoe gaan, ervaar nou weer eens teleurstelling. Vir die soveelste keer is daar nie voldoen aan hulle verwagting nie. 

Die bekommernis van geliefdes by die huis vreet aan hulle. Die Kinderhuis voel vir hulle party dae soos ‘n tronk. Hulle voel vasgevang en alleen en nou met die isolasie, maak dit dinge net eintlik erger.

Maar wat my die meeste aanraak vandag, is die feit dat hulle nie net na ‘n yskas of koskas kan loop en ‘n snack gaan uithaal nie.  Wat maak hulle anders as ons eie kinders? Hulle is nie immuun teen hierdie mengelmoes van gebeure waarin ons onsself tans bevind nie. Húlle, net soos ons eie kinders, raak ook soms lus om aan ‘n ou ietsie te peusel so tussen-in maaltye.

Durbanville Kinderhuis benodig donasies van die volgende items:

– Chips

– Peanuts

– Koeldrank

– Snack bars

– Droë vrugte

– Joghurt

– Sweets

– Neute

– Roomys

Indien u verkies om eerder ‘n finansiële bydrae te maak, gebruik asb die volgende bankbesonderhede:

Naam: Durbanville Kinderhuis

Absa Cheque

Rek nr: 1410 290 983 

Takkode: 632005

Verwysing: Naam & Van Snacks

Ons wil graag ook van die geleentheid gebruik maak om elke persoon en/of maatskappy te bedank vir hul byrae sover. Die omgee, ondersteuning, donasies, en gebede word opreg waardeer. Dit is juis in tye van nood wat ons die liefde van die gemeenskap raaksien.

Vir meer inligting, kontak gerus vir Melanie Stipp by marketing@durbanvillekinderhuis.org.za.

If I have to choose one phrase I’ve heard the most lately, it’s definitely “Mom, I’m hungry!”

It feels like I have to feed hungry lion cubs – THREE of them (8 months, 8 years, 11 years)! All boys! (So I think the gender contributes to the fact that these boys are always looking for something to eat.)

There are days that I try to strategically plan for the day’s meals so that the snack times are less often. But no, not even the massive bowl of Oats for breakfast is enough to fill those tummies until lunch. The door of the cupboard and fridge is constantly being opened and then all that can possibly serve as a “snack” is brought to me to ask permission, wheter it can be eaten?

Last night, however, I realized how privileged we are. Our food cupboard and fridge may not look like that of a chain store, but my children are in the privileged position to be able to snack on goodies in between meals. There are, of course, snacks. And even though I occasionally lose my temper with them, they are happy. They are at a place which they are privileged to call their “home” – with a Daddy and Mommy who loves them. My heart is  full of gratitude.

I am  thinking of the children at The Children’s Home who are not in that position.

The minority who may sometimes go home, are once again experiencing disappointment. Once again their expectations were not met.

The worry of loved ones at home eats away at them. Some days, the Children’s Home feels like a prison – they feel trapped and alone – and now with the isolation, it only makes things worse.

But what touched me the most today is the fact that they cannot just walk to a fridge or food cupboard and take out a snack. 

What makes them different from our own children? 

They are not immune to this chaos in which we currently find ourselves. They, like our own children, also sometimes feel like having a snack in-between meals…

Durbanville Children’s Home needs donations of the following items:

– Chips

– Peanuts

– Cool drink

– Snack bars

– Dried fruits

– Yoghurt

– Sweets

– Nuts

– Ice cream

If you prefer to make a financial contribution, please use the following banking details:

Name: Durbanville Children’s Home

Absa Cheque

Acc nr: 1410 290 983 

Branch code: 632005

Reference: Name & Surname – Snacks

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank each person and/or company for their contributions to date. The care, support, donations, and prayers are greatly appreciated. It is surely in times of need that we see the love of the community.

For more information, please contact Melanie Stipp at marketing@durbanvillekinderhuis.org.za.

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